At first, my bed was in mommy and daddy's room, but now I get my own room. And I even helped put the crib together! I'm going to be a great carpenter!
Hey, I fit in here with my toys!
Mommy had to go on a trip, so Oma and Opa Kooper came to help daddy take care of me and explore Rome. Here are some of Oma's pictures.
After school, Opa helped me put on my shoes and we went for a walk in the park.
Time to clean up in the fountain after my snack. Maybe I should jump right in ... good thing mommy's not here to see this!
Back to the Spanish Steps for a bumpy ride down!
Mommy's Back! Yeah! So, we're off to Piazza di Popolo.
The a stroll along the river. That's St. Peter's in the distance.