More visitors. This time Michael came from Switzerland to come see us for the weekend. Unfortunately, Bettina couldn't come.
December 2, 2006
Our first stop of the day was the Ferrari Store, where I fell in love. Unfortunately, mommy and daddy wouldn't let me take it home. They said it wouldn't fit in my suitcase.
After lunch, we stopped at a nice playground near the Castel St. Angelo. And everyone had fun.
Micha tested everything out to make sure it was safe for me. He even went down the slide.
Then daddy took a turn. And I got to ride on his lap.
Even mommy took me for a ride!
Before we left, I tested out the bridges. Don't look down!
December 3, 2006
A beautiful Sunday morning. Perfect for a walk and then lunch in the park.
While we were waiting for our table at the cafe, I got to ride on the merry-go-round. One of my favorite things to do in the park.
Italian coffee and tiramisu. What more could a boy ask for!
December 6, 2006
Since daddy had to go home to Urbana, Oma and Opa came back for another visit.
December 7, 2006
While mommy was at work and I was in daycare, Oma and Opa went to see the Vatican and climbed all the way up to the top.
Mommy's trying to teach me Italian, but I think I know more than she does.
December 8, 2006
Mommy had to get some work done, so Oma and Opa took me to the Christmas Market at Piazza Navonne.
Mommy joined us for lunch and I got to show off how cool I am!
On the way home, we walked by daddy's favorite coffee shop, and it was packed. No espresso for me today.
A little bedtime story from Opa.
December 9, 2006
Every morning, I help mommy make my oatmeal. First we pour, then we stir!
Super cuddles with Oma.
Better check my temp!
Opa let me play with the computer and Oma let me play with the camera.