Let me help ...
Yummy, yummy, ice cream in my tummy.
Sleepy Max and mommy.
A little quality time with mommy.
Hey, Max fits in daddy's hand!
Happy Halloween. First a party at Next generation. All of the Penguins were dressed up as members of the Next Generation Fire Department.
Then it was off to Mommy's office for a little practice trick-or-treat. We saw Anshul and Aditi.
Lots of my friends had candy for me. Anda, and Karrie and Julia.
Even Luigi had some candy for me at NCSA.
Back at home, we all got ready for Halloween.
I found mommy's witch's hat
And Max was a red hot chili pepper.
For the real trick-or-treating, Ethan switched to his Tigger costume.
And Luigi came along to help.
Off we go to join Malcom and Allie and Margaret