Snow Day

February 1, 2008

There was so much snow today, we got to stay home from school! First I help daddy clear the driveway and sidewalk. Better get my "snowblower"

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Gotta get the tough spots with my shovel.

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See there really was a lot of snow.

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Wow, this is hard work ...

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Now we better dig out the car

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and brush off the snow.

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Mommy told me to kick the icicles off.


Daddy helped too.


But I had to clean up after him

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Daddy took me out back so we could clean up there too

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Better clean off my slide.

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The Ethan went over the mountain ...

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Max stayed nice and warm inside. And mommy took Max's four month picture (a little late)


I think he needs more friends though

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Better take some pictures. Say "cheese" Max!

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Hey daddy, Max likes to stand up ...

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That was great Max, let me give you a kiss.

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A few more mug shots ...

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And a few kisses.

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That night we went to play in the snow at Elspeth's. Watch out for that big purple snow bunny!

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Is this how you make snow angles?

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What's under all that snow?

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The light is fading ... but we're still having fun.

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Pile on snow mountain!

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Ahhh. It's warm inside. It's always fun to puzzle with a friend.

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More Snow!

February 2, 2008

Watch out mommy ... we have snow balls!

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Back on snow mountain!

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Here come the snow balls, daddy!

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Finally, i get to make a snowman.

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Hmm, i think that tree over there needs more snow ...

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How do I get back?

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Better budle up .. its cold out there ... hey, where's Max?

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More snow ball fights with daddy, David and Malcolm. This time I have a shield to protect myself!

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Sledding! Wow, this is a big hill. I was a little scared at first, but then it was lots of fun!

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Ready for the Superbowl!

February 3, 2008

See Max and I have matching football sweatshirts!

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Swim Class

February 5, 2008

This time, Elspeth is in my swim class. And a new friend, Parker too! First a group song.

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Then lots of free swim time.

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Look Ma, I'm swimming all by myself!

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Happy Birthday Elspeth!

February 9, 2008

Today was Elspeth's 3rd birthday and we had so much fun. Can't wait for my birthday party!


Lots of balloons.

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Everyone smile for the camera!

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Tracy helped us make a cool Diego picture frame with our pictures in it!

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Then Elspeth got to open all of her presents.

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Here's the ones from Max and me.

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Wow, her mommy and daddy got her a big girl bike! Can I have one too, mommy and daddy?

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Then Elspeth gave all of her friends a nice present to say thank you for coming to her party.

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And finally, we got to eat the cake.

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Thanks for letting me ride your bakie and thanks for a great birthday party!


February 10, 2008

Toys for Max

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Who's hiding behind that skwish?

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And a visit from Allie. First some fun with fridge magnets,

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Then a snack.

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Dinner Time!

February 18, 2008

Time to eat? Aw, this was just a trial run.

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But Ethan gets the real thing ... Hot dogs!

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Hope they give me something soon!



A Pile of Koopers

February 19, 2008

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Bath Time

February 20, 2008

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I'm coming ... just gotta get that belly off the ground.

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Ooops, face plant.


Party time in the bathtub!

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Read to me, Ethan!

February 21, 2008

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Everyone Pile on Mommy!

February 23, 2008

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Now, Everyone Pile on Daddy!

February 24, 2008

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I'm standing ... good thing I can hold onto daddy's hair!

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Look ma, one hand!

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Football or Soccer?

February 25, 2008

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Boys and Toys

February 27, 2008

First we have Lucky the three-legged dog and his brother Lucky the three-legged dog.

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And Max has a great book that he can eat.

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Picture Time

February 28, 2008

Max's is five months old now .. wow how time flies.

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And Ethan helped with this month's pictures.


And some glamour shots of Ethan too.

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Plus a nice one of the brothers.

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All bundled up for a trip into the cold ...

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