April 4, 2008
and Jess came too!
Then we got to play at Jason and Jess's place. First a little piano.
And then guitar hero!
Jason pulled out the bongo drums too!
April 5, 2008
what else do you do in Atlanta?
We also got to play in Kelsey's cool house.
April 6, 2008
A family that plays together, stays together.
And a few pics of the kids before we go.
April 8, 2008
While Ethan and Elspeth were at swim class, Max and Addie got some quality play time.
April 11, 2008
See, I'm already used to the mask!
It's really a nebulizer to help me breathe and Ethan entertained me while I was getting my medication.
April 12, 2008
This week at gym class we played soccer.
Does the goal count if we go into the net too?
We had lots of fun just kicking the ball around.
I even learned to stop it with my foot!
Everyone pile on Tracy before we go.
Max watched ...
and Addie got to play too!
April 13, 2008
Here's the boat from my new Lego harbor,
Italian night! Riccardo cooked ua all an amazing meal,
And Sam tried his hand with Max.
All of mommy's students came: Sam, Mehedi and Farhana.
April 15, 2008
April 18, 2008
I can hold my own bottle now!
April 20, 2008
First Grandma read me a book while we were waiting for our table.
The table was ready for the big seder ... but then mommy got too busy to take any more pictures. :(
Rebecca brought a belated birthday present. Here comes engineer Ethan. Toot Toot!
April 22, 2008
April 23, 2008
Hey Max, hats are for wearing, not eating!
That's better
Life is tough ... but I have to share everything with Max!
April 25, 2008
I like to play too. But I like toys I can eat!
And I like to play with Luigi too!
Kirsten and Karrie can join us too.
April 26, 2008
Mommy and daddy love their Orange and Blue!
And time for Max's monthly picture ... if only he'd stop trying to eat Pooh!
All that hard work wore him out!
April 27, 2008
Hugs and tackles!
And daddy came to save Max
Check out my Lego Harbor!
April 28, 2008
April 29, 2008
Ethan loves to give Max toys. And Max loves to eat his toys!
Time for Ethan to help daddy change Max's diaper.
Company for dinner. Ethan got to show Elspeth his cool ball toss.
And the babies got to sit on laps
And we ended the day with some fun in Max's room. It's great having a brother!