Daddy's taking us to the aquarium ...

April 4, 2008

and Jess came too!

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Then we got to play at Jason and Jess's place. First a little piano.

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And then guitar hero! 


Jason pulled out the bongo drums too!

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Time to go to the mall

April 5, 2008

what else do you do in Atlanta?

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We also got to play in Kelsey's cool house.

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Heading Home

April 6, 2008

A family that plays together, stays together. 


And a few pics of the kids before we go.

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Play Date

April 8, 2008

While Ethan and Elspeth were at swim class, Max and Addie got some quality play time.

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When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut

April 11, 2008

See, I'm already used to the mask!

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It's really a nebulizer to help me breathe and Ethan entertained me while I was getting my medication.



April 12, 2008

This week at gym class we played soccer. 

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Does the goal count if we go into the net too?

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We had lots of fun just kicking the ball around.

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I even learned to stop it with my foot!

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Everyone pile on Tracy before we go.

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Max watched ... 


and Addie got to play too!

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Bundle up!

April 13, 2008

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Here's the boat from my new Lego harbor,

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Italian night! Riccardo cooked ua all an amazing meal,


And Sam tried his hand with Max.


All of mommy's students came: Sam, Mehedi and Farhana.

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My Nose!

April 15, 2008

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April 18, 2008

I can hold my own bottle now!

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Happy Passover!

April 20, 2008

First Grandma read me a book while we were waiting for our table.

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The table was ready for the big seder ... but then mommy got too busy to take any more pictures. :(


Rebecca brought a belated birthday present. Here comes engineer Ethan. Toot Toot!

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Two cool dudes

April 22, 2008

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Hessel park

April 23, 2008


Hey Max, hats are for wearing, not eating!

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That's better

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Life is tough ... but I have to share everything with Max!

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Teach me to play, Luigi!

April 25, 2008

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I like to play too. But I like toys I can eat!

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And I like to play with Luigi too!

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Kirsten and Karrie can join us too.

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Go, Illini!

April 26, 2008

Mommy and daddy love their Orange and Blue!


And time for Max's monthly picture ... if only he'd stop trying to eat Pooh!

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All that hard work wore him out!

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April 27, 2008

Hugs and tackles!

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And daddy came to save Max

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Check out my Lego Harbor!

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Having a ball!

April 28, 2008

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Morning Play Time

April 29, 2008

Ethan loves to give Max toys. And Max loves to eat his toys!

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Time for Ethan to help daddy change Max's diaper.

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Company for dinner. Ethan got to show Elspeth his cool ball toss.

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And the babies got to sit on laps

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And we ended the day with some fun in Max's room. It's great having a brother!

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