May 1, 2008
Waiting at the airport for Oma, Opa, Kiran, Barbara and Eddie to arrive from Holland.
Here they come!
Welcome to Urbana!
Kiran explored Ethan's toys while everyone had a lite supper.
Then some time to play and get to know each other again.
Conductor Ethan gave everyone a good show.
Hope there's room in that bed for Kiran!
May 2, 2008
Max can't wait until he can play with the trains too.
But he has other toys he can eat.
Lego Time! Who gets to play with the digger?
Barbara got some quality time with Max, who of course ate everything she gave him.
See, Opa and Eddie, this is how you build it ...
Better run before we all get wet!
Hugs: Movie
And ice cream. What more could two little boys want.
And a long walk home to burn off the energy of two three-year-olds. What more could any parent want!
Back home for a snack and more time to play.
Everyone get a ride!
Good-Bye Anda! We'll miss you!
May 3, 2008
It's always great to start the day with a nice train ride!
Our little angel!
Off to the gym class for the big boys. Elspeth and Cameron joined in on the fun.
Time for a huddle.
All that hard work deserves a nice lunch. Cheers!
And of course, time to walk to Paradiso for coffee.
Back home, Chef Ethan was hard at work.
While Kiran and Max were bonding.
I wonder if I can get this whole thing in my mouth?
Opa watched, while Max had lots of fun playing with Oma
A special Italian dinner with Luigi and Kirsten!
May 4, 2008
Bubbles, bubbles, everywhere!
A beautiful day to play in the back yard.
And Ethan scores a three point shot!
Time to do a little cleaning in the yard. Good thing Oma is here to help. She has a special way of opening the leaf bags!
Daddy and Max enjoyed the sunshine too.
Kiran took off in the race car. Go Kiran Go!
And the next basketball star in the making ...
Off to the park. Everyone took lots of pictures of Ethan, Kiran and Max! First Oma enjoyed a relaxing moment in the sun.
Ethan and Kiran took off for the climbing structure while Opa watched.
And off they go again.
Time for Eddie to take a break too. Bar and Rob hid out in the shade.
Play ball! First some baseball with Oma.
Then Ethan tried his hand at football.
And finally Max got to have some fun too. First the swing
Swing: Movie
Then the slide.
Opa tried his hand at baseball
And Kiran got in a last few rounds before we headed home.
Muffins anyone? They're Ethan's specialty.
Back to the backyard to relax...
Yumm, toes!
Fun with stickers!What better place to put them then on Opa!
A little play time before dinner on the patio.
The kids table.
After dinner, Oma, Ethan and Kiran got down to play with Max.
May 5, 2008
Making the morning coffee?
"Little Brother"
A day at the race track. Kiran and Eddie set it up.
And everyone else got to play.
Eddie helped Ethan and Kiran play the Dora memory game. Where was that card?
And Max showed Opa how well he stands.
But didn't want to roll over for the camera (movies)
May 6, 2008
Daddy's taking us to the zoo ... the Bloomington zoo.
Lunch at the zoo.
And Max got some sunscreen
Back to the animals
The tiger exhibit was lots of fun, Everyone growl!
The "Jungle"
And last, but not least, the merry-go-round
Outside the zoo, they had a nice park to play in. Of course, Ethan and Kiran headed straight for the jeep. Hope they can agree on which way to turn!
Max loved the swing
And everybody relaxed in the sun.
On the way home, we ended the day with some real American BBQ!
May 7, 2008
Go speed racer!
All aboard!
Someone asked for chocolate chip cookies, so mommy and I made them in our new mixers.
Kiran and Eddie enjoyed the tracks that Barbara set up.
May 8, 2008
Having a ball!
8 months old!
The Kooper boys!
Opa got in the pictures too
Lunch time Max .. and Ethan is going to help!
Hey, where did my feet go?
Tummy time (movies)
May 9, 2008
A garden gnome
Inspecting Max
And piling on Oma
Ethan's room
Opa tried to teach Max how to stand... just wait, I'll get there soon enough
May 10, 2008
Back to gym class for the big boys and girls
Sneaking into the basketball dome ...
Should we water the boys too?
Making Mother's Day cards for Oma
We needed lots of paint to make hand prints.
Time for Max to get into the action.
Then add some stickers and we're all done!
Opa kept an eye on Max so he didn't get into trouble
Daddy came back with flowers for mommy!
Time for an Opa Pile!
Kiran joined in the fun.
While Oma tried to entertain Max.
Watch out Rob, here comes Kiran!
The cousins
A photo op for Oma and Opa and all of their grandchildren.
I think Opa is thirsty.
Ethan and Kiran, bff!
Everyone grab a digger!
Rob and Barbara and their boys
Belly farts!
Mommy showed off her cap and gown from her graduation
And a few family pictures
Two boys in the bath tub tonight! Max likes to join his big brother in the real bathtub now.
Time to say good bye!
May 11, 2008
We got in some good play time before we had to bring everyone to the airport. First, Opa helped us build a great house out of lincoln logs.
And of course one more chance to read a great book.
Can't have a farewell party without a band! And everyone joined in the fun.
Gotta check the passports before they go ...
And time for one big family picture. Everyone say cheese!
Bye, Bye!
Hugs and kisses too!
May 12, 2008
Reading with Elspeth
May 13, 2008
Big Bed!
Say ... Jelly?
May 17, 2008
Max the elephant.
Play it again, Max
Brothers and friends
Roll over, roll over (movies)
Dinner at Meadowbrook Park with Karrie, Julia and Sariel.
Show us how to swing, Sariel.
Karrie played with Ethan.
Daddy just sat around and watched.
May 18, 2008
Morning photo op.
Hey, this is a cool new toy ...
Legos with daddy
May 19, 2008
I wanna rock and roll all night ...
Or maybe be a soccer star
Max's first legos ...
Time to get ready for be. A bath for max ...
And Ethan needs to brush his teeth. Guess that toothbrush must be pretty heavy.
Time for daddy to read
Cool PJs Ethan.
My how you have grown...
May 20, 2008
Dinner with Elspeth
Good friends
Driving the bus (movie)
May 21, 2008
Touch a Truck at Centennial Park
A class trip with the Tigers
May 22, 2008
Chubby cheeks!
May 25, 2008
I think I'm getting the hang of this toy thing .. wonder if they have any more for me.
Ethan is already picking out his next legos
That was hard work, I think I need some lunch.
May 26, 2008
The master chef at work
May 27, 2008
Addie has some cool toys for me to play with.
May 29, 2008
I was so excited about going to Florida ... I fell asleep.
May 30, 2008
Off to the beach with Dick, Andrea, Joel and Tasia
Nap time back at the hotel.
Play for us, Joel
May 31, 2008
The big day ... Elijah's Bar Mitzvah. First some family potos.
Is this how you're supposed to wear it?
Party time!
Look at my new earrings
A little angel :)
Wait for the grand entrance ... here they come!
The proud parents
The big sister
And the big man himself ... Elijah!
Everyone boogie!
Get down Marc!
Time for everyone to join in.
Grampa Arthur had the honor of breaking the bread.
Elijah invited his friends and family to come help him light the candles
Grampa Arthur and Suzanne
Grandma Joyce
The Heymans
And all of the aunts, uncles and cousins.
His big sister
And of course his parents
Max was ready for the meal ... but there was nothing on the spoon.
Time for some more dancing
My newest cousin
Don't tell them that story, dad ...
Max was keeping everyone busy.
And we all had fun.
Back to the house to recover