June 1, 2008
Chinese food with Grampa and Suzanne
June 2, 2008
We love playing piano with Jan.
Now and encore from Big E and Little E
Some playtime with Elijah
June 3, 2008
Out at the Hotel Pool
Look at my cool new goggles
How come I don't get to go in?
Hey I can see under water!
Come swim with me daddy.
One more trip to the beach before we go home.
Max got to play too.
Fun in the surf with daddy
What made these tracks?
This is a lot of fun
Time to dig a big hole ...
Better get some water to pour in the hole
Future pole dancer ...
Mommy gets to play in the sand ...
And in the water too
June 4, 2008
Toot Toot
June 5, 2008
My friend Katherine
June 7, 2008
I'm an omnivore .. I eat all toys.
But I like my bottle best.
Although, these little star thingies arn't bad either.
I wonder what other trouble I can get into?
Slip slidin' away ...
June 8, 2008
Puddle Jumping
The first of many summer trips to Sholem Pool with Tracy, jeremy, Elspeth and Adwen. This part of the pool is called the "Puddle"
June 11, 2008
Max at 8 1/2 months
June 12, 2008
The little Dutch Boy
June 13, 2008
I so wanna crawl
Ice cream with Dave
June 13, 2008
Field Trip: The Tigers go to the UofI Arboretum
June 14, 2008
I'm cookin'
June 15, 2008
Enjoying the weather
June 16, 2008
All by myself!
Help, I'm stuck under the couch!
June 21, 2008
Go Holland!
This is a cool ball
Hey daddy, looks like it's time to shave
Swingin' at the the Forsyth's
En garde, Sariel
June 23, 2008
Max is on the move. Time to lock him in.
June 24, 2008
Swinging and dinner at Meadowbrook Park
June 25, 2008
OK, I got my belly off the floor ... Just gotta move those knees and I'm outta here.
June 26, 2008
Time for my picture again... cheese!
Let me help you roll over, Max.
And some movies too!
June 27, 2008
Bowling with the Tigers
I got to play with Jack and his dad helped me with the ball.
Friday night beer with Sariel and Julia
June 28, 2008
Time for a bike ride!
June 29, 2008
Peek-a-boo, I see you!
This wouldn't bee too hard to climb...
Happy Birthday Katherine! We got to decorate our own cupcakes at the party. Yum!
Let's see, how many of these can I get out at once.
June 30, 2008
Dinner with Langston and his parents.