Summer 2008
A few pictures from the Cuddly Cub romm at Next Generation.
July 3, 2008
Where's that cow?
I think you have it and I'm coming to get you ...
The newest geek in the family
Hey .. who's that bearded man ...
Gotta find a way to break outta this pizza joint ...
Who needs a play ground when we have mommy and daddy's room!
Stairs! I bet I can climb them already.
Two boys in the bath tub.
Just call me curly!
July 4, 2008
The Urbana 4th of July Parade
Miss Christine (Ethan's Tiger Teacher) was riding the fire truck!
This bear gets smaller every year ... (2006)
Back at home, it's time to get ready for the BBQ.
And Max has the beer covered.
Ethan and Cooper took care of the musical entertainment.
Then we all went outside and had fun.
July 5, 2008
Morning playtime
That bearded guy is still here ...
Goatee vs. milk mustache ... I think I see a resemblance
Addie's First Birthday!
Let me at that cake ...
That was yummy!
Time for a few presents from friends.
And the best part is sharing with friends.
Later that day at dinner.
And back home for a little play time.
What's that on daddy? And the headphones look silly too.
July 6, 2008
Time to help Luigi and Kirsten move. Can I drive the truck daddy?
Hmmm, my feet don't seem to reach the pedals. Maybe some day.
I used to fit under here ...wonder if I still do.
Let's play together Max
My daddy.
I think I need a few more
Here comes trouble
Time to play in the garden.
Fun with chalk. And I can spell my name too!
July 7, 2008
Mornings are good for reading
Some pics from the cuddly cub room
Life skills
The great table
OK, who put the sensory toys on my head?
Conductor Ethan
And DJ Max
A nice night for a walk to Caffe Paradiso and to stop and smell the flowers
July 8, 2008
Swim time for the Cuddly Cubs
And then time for Spanish class
July 10, 2008
Two silly kids at the pool!
July 11, 2008
A trip to the Champaign Public Library for the Tigers
July 12, 2008
My new bike! It finally came. Let's put it together now!
Max watched in anticipation
I got a cool new helmet too.
But don't forget to blow up the tires daddy!
Here I come ...
Oops. There I go.
But you gotta get right back on.
A little help from daddy was nice too.
Anyone have something they need fixed?
I can help too
July 13, 2008
Breakfast with the Henns
The movie was fun .. but the empty theater was a great place to play.
I'll get up on that couch someday.
Sam and Miranda have a great tree in their back yard.
Look out, here comes ... Daddy?
July 15, 2008
Swim night at Sholem with the Henns
July 17, 2008
Off to Holland to see Oma and Opa .. or so we thought. Our flight was cancelled and we headed back home.
July 18, 2008
We're finally on our way!
July 19, 2008
Look out Holland, the Kooper boys are here!
What jet lag? We just want to play.
July 20, 2008
A visit to GrOma
And an introduction to Max
And of course, apple pie! Thanks Groma!
Bar and Eddie and Kiran come to say hello.
And the boys are off to the play ground
Swing time!
The universal language of cars!
A nice day for a swing in the garden.
Let's check out the place ...
Hey, I remember this hippo ...
Max found Nijntje
And Ethan and Kiran got dinner
Roar ... Roar ...
Back to the park once more after dinner to play in the sand box.
The Opa watch Max
While the big boys took a bath
Let's check out Opa's trains before we go to bed!
This one we can touch
Have a seat, Max
July 21, 2008
A pile of Koopers and one Kravets
They have fun rides here too.
Everyone pile on Opa now!
Lots of family fun
Who's that riding the bike?
Back to the playground
Look where I am ...
But how did I get here?
I just want to climb
Max gets Oma!
And Ethan gets to play with Opa.
Let's play statue of liberty!
Hop, hop, hop, Opa!
Max found Nijntje in the bath too!
A bedtime story from Oma and Opa!
July 22, 2008
Off to the petting zoo
See saw
Let's find the bunnies
And the rest of the animals
Two silly goats climbing on the rocks
Lemonade anyone?
Mommy, I don't think we're in Illinois anymore
Playtime back at Kiran's house. Everyone on the trampoline!
Now find a bike ...
What a cool backyard.
And dinner at the Indonesian restaurant
Self portraits
Opa's boys
Time to go home
July 23, 2008
Off to the Zoo!
The first thing we saw was some colorful birds and flowers
The perfect place for a snack.
Then we were off to explore
A little play time before the long ride home.
Back home, Max got to SWIIIIIING!
The it was off to a pancake dinner to celebrate Grote Oma's Birthday.
Where do I start, GrOma?
I think Ank made a new friend!
And of course some time to play after dinner
The van der Lee girls!
July 24, 2008
Snack time!
Off to the train museum with Opa
Outside, Ethan got to ride on a mini train!
And a quick boat ride over to the light house
Now it's Opa's turn.
Hey, what does that say?
Back home on the real train.
These rides are fun!
Though Max's loves the swing in Oma's garden... especially when Ethan pushes!
Dinner in the garden with Hugo and Annemieke
But look who's sitting at the kids table!
Time to clean the Hippo! Ethan got some help from Hugo
July 25, 2008
Off to the Park with Bar, Eddie and Kiran!
And back at home, the hippo must have been playing in the mud. Time to wash it again.
Dinner in town
That pesky hippo is still dirty ...
July 26, 2008
Happy 90th Birthday Oma van der Lee! The whole family gathered to celebrate at Restaurant Kraantje-Lek.
There was lots of time for the family to meet and for the children to play. All of the great grandchildren were there.
Max was a little grumpy
There was a huge see saw
and some silly goats
Even Oma joined in the fun!
Lots of family photos
Time to eat!
And of course more time to play and talk
Everyone say Kaas!
Ok, go back to having fun!
and the kids found the piano
Time to go home.
It's starting to rain. Better get under an umbrella. I think this one is big enough for both of us!
Back home to relax.
Better clean up my mess. I think there are some crumbs on Opa's chin!
July 27, 2008
Morning fun.
I wonder what else I can reach?
Say cheese!
Some brotherly love.
Ethan got a chance to watch an episode of Diego.
The Opa broke out the pool!
Baking time with Oma. Don't forget your hair net!
Planning the next train ...
Max cruised around the whole house
Time to clean up the mess
Mama's boys
And we ended the day with a friendly game of mini golf.
July 28, 2008
Tea time at GrOma's
Off for a boat ride through Utrecht
And there is always time for ice cream
or a photo op with all of the sun flowers
Back to cool off in the pool
What cool hats!
July 30, 2008
Back home with all of my toys
nice kitty
July 31, 2008
nap time for Max
July 13, 2008
July 15, 2008
July 16, 2008
July 23, 2008
July 23, 2008
July 24, 2008
July 25, 2008
July 26, 2008
The whole family gathered to celebrate at Restaurant Kraantje-Lek.
There was lots of time for the family to meet and for the children to play. All of the great grandchildren were there.
Max was a little grumpy
There was a huge see saw
and some silly goats
Even Oma joined in the fun!
Lots of family photos
Time to eat!
And of course more time to play and talk
Everyone say Kaas!
Ok, go back to having fun!
and the kids found the piano
Time to go home.
It's starting to rain. Better get under an umbrella. I think this one is big enough for both of us!
Back home to relax.
Better clean up my mess. I think there are some crumbs on Opa's chin!
July 28, 2008
Tea time at GrOma's
Off for a boat ride through Utrecht
And there is always time for ice cream
or a photo op with all of the sun flowers
Back to cool off in the pool
What cool hats!
July 30, 2008
Back home ... with all of my toys
nice kitty
July 31, 2008
Nap time for Max