October 01, 2008

Outside with the puppies

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My friend Addie

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It's getting cold out here


Zoom, zoom, Zebra!

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October 02, 2008

How am i supposed to sit on this chair?

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Ahh, that works well. and now I can read my book.

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October 04, 2008

Look mom, I can solve a rubik's cube!

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October 05, 2008

Off to Curtis Orchards with the Sweets. Cooper, let's try the see-saw.

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Max loves the swing.

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Hi Anna!

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That's one big tire.

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Farm animals!

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Sariel took Max for a walk.

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While Cooper and Ethan climbed on the obstacle course

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Then it was time for a pony ride.

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Lunch time for .. a bunny and a cat?

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Who's there Max? It's Ethan and Alex!

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And they brought Max a late birthday present! I like the colorful paper the best.

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October 06, 2008

I love my popper!


October 11, 2008

Bike rides, Illini style!

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Here comes Ethan on his balance bike.

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Max is watching intently .. dreaming of the day he gets to ride a big boy bike.

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Daddy explains how to ride and there he goes!

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Wow that was cool!

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But Ethan still likes his old bike

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October 12, 2008

Miniature golf with Langston

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Fireman Ethan .. to the rescue

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October 13, 2008

I can feed myself! Carrots and hot dogs.

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Now its time for a ride ... beep, beep, beep. Coming in backwards!

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Halloween is almost here and we set up our big pumpkin.

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October 14, 2008

Read to me Ethan!

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October 15, 2008

Italian night with Riccardo, Sebastian, Luigi and Kirsten. Max got to dance on the table while Ethan and Sebastian played Wii.

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October 17, 2008

Dinner at the Wok with lots of friends.

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October 18, 2008

Back to Curtis Orchards with Allie. Can't have too much apple cider and apple doughnuts!

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Jump Allie!

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Off to bounce!

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The Koopers plus 1!


Tractor time.

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And of course a pony ride. Next year Max can go too!

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These are silly goats... and silly kids.

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Snack time.

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And off to get some pumpkins

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Back home in time to make dinner

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October 25, 2008

Off to NY! They have the coolest cows in brooklyn.

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Like my new hat?

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Appreciating art at the Kravets/Wehby Gallery. You can look, but don't touch.

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October 26, 2008

Grandma's and her dogs and Ethan.

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Max shows off his walking to Grandma (Movies)

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Off to the Brooklyn Children's Museum with Grandma.

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You ever see the movie Big? I taught them their moves!

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Thanks Marc for the cool Elmo cupcake.

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October 27, 2008

Riding on the NYC Subway.

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The Central Park Zoo!

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What's out there? Let me get out my spotting scope and see what I can find.

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Baby Turtles?

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And bunnies too

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This place is so much fun!

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Time to feed the animals.

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Art in Central Park

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And dinner at MoMa!

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October 29, 2008

Homemade chicken soup for dinner!

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Time to carve the pumpkins

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Not bad, Mommy!

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That was such hard work, i need a drink ... zzzzz.

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October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

First the Halloween party in the Puppy Room starring Max the Monkey and Addie as Tinkerbell.

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Off to the Tiger room where we found a litter of Dalmations.

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The Tiger performance. All the moms and dads watched with pride.


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Our gang!

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Ready to Trick or Treat at NCSA! Fireman Ethan and Monkey max

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Here he comes: (movie)


And finally back home for the real Trick or Treating with Allie, Margaret, Jeff, Kim, Katherine, Kirsten and Luigi. Sariel and Julia stayed at Home with mommy to hand out candy.

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Last House: Karrie the Kat

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Max tried to steal all of the candy

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Ethan the Monkey?

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Ahh, Ethan the Spiderman. That works better

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And Spiderman can fly!

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