I love Nutella!
Ethan Kooper, reporting for work
My friend Luigi
I love my daddy too
Max found a great place to sit and watch
Better check and see how breakfast is coming.
Flying kites with Elspeth and Jeremy
Swinging is much easier
The post Halloween dress up. Firemen and spidemen
And Tinkerbell?
Or is it a little cupid?
It's just fun to play with our friends
My brother
Halloween never ends when you have cool costumes
A Pirate
And a cowboy
Everyone enjoys the fashion show
at CMI
Playing around at homeBreakfast
Is this how it works?
The leaves were beautiful today (courtesy of Oma)
Off to swim class. First Max, then Ethan
Oma and mommy entertained Max while Ethan was still swimming
Back home, Eyore attacked
Ethan get saved by daddy and max gets his bottle
That was soo good ... zzzz
Only kidding, I'm awake and ready to play!
Hey these are great for your hands and feet!
Bedtime with reading by Oma.
See we all fit in here!
Zoom zoom zoom
Come on in Max!
OK, Max's turn
Let's see if we can crawl in...
Makes a nice hat too!
First lunch
The off we went. This was a really cool sculpture
There was so much to do and so little time.
This places looks funny!
Let's try the carousel
The off for some last minute exploring in the dinosaur exhibit
Building a town with Oma
Every town needs its firemen
And Max needs his Monkey
Dinner at the firehouse
Chief Kirsten reporting for duty
Hey .. a pile of leaves!
Let's make it bigger
We're all done .. Come play in the leaves with me Oma!
And there is always time for a few games.
Mommy's little fireman
Max is back and ready to play
Wonder what this cup is full of. It has this funny word on the side C-A-F-F-I-E-N-E ...
Boxes are so much fun
I wonder if I can climb over this?
Max's favorite book
Ethan's off to the Little Gym
Chicken soup was waiting for me
Yumm.. Oma's and Ethan's apple pie
I love my swim class!
The swimming Kooper's
Ethan's getting very close to swimming all by himself
Playing the builder game with Oma. She got the sore thumb and I got the toolbelt!
Hmm, which way does this go?
Lego Master Ethan
Hey, Tigger is here for a visit. Better call Pooh and see where he is ...
Max here ...
Oma likes to take pictures of me eating
This works much better
Mommy and Ethan cuddlefest
Yumm, chocolate coins and chocolate letters!
I really like to play with puzzles. I think it runs in the family.
Where's Elmo?
Ethan gets the bath all to himself.
Who's that puppy?
Wow, look at my new blankets and sheets. And two cool car pillows to go with it. Thanks Oma! Let's break it in with a good book.
The Ethan tree. (click here to see it when we were both small)
Oma and I are planting new flowers all around it.
While daddy rakes the leaves. Look at all of those bags.
I love to paint. But mommy always tries to keep me from making a big mess.
max is collecting his masks
Hey, what's on daddy's head?
Let's go for a nice walk. Better bundle up though. Max gets to ride on his bike.
This looks like a cool rock to climb on
Back home to play with Diego toys.
Ethan is showing Max how to do his puzzles
And Max is sharing his bed with Ethan! What great brothers.
Let me help ...
Max is sitting in the passenger seat. Better put your seatbelt on.
Wait, who's driving?
Our favorite way to shop
Making room for more toys in Ethan's room We have to take apart the bed and move it to Max's room. This is a job for Ethan the Builder!
Max's looks on, waiting for the day that he can help too.
Karrie and the boys watching Kung Fu Panda
Say Cheese!
My Monkey!
My boys!
Is that the mailman I hear? Let's check to see who the mail is for ...
This one must be for me. It's playing the silliest song
Everyone climb on mommy so we can all see ...
Yumm ...
My daddy ...
My mommy
Let's just be goofy ...
Oh, no, Max can climb the stairs!
I think we all of these toys for our bath tonight!
Who's that cute boy in the mirror?
Hey, there he is again in the duck!
Wash me mommy!
All clean, but still goofy
All done and ready for PJs
Last one out is a silly dog!
Not sure what this is, but it sure tastes good!
I love books
Yeah, Gradma is here!
All aboard the book train
I love you kisses
Watch out for the dinosaurs!
Morning play time
The feast!
And Happy Birthday to Julia!
Don't jump to hard on daddy's tummy full of turkey!
My feet are getting a little cold
Playdate with the Henns
Play with us Grandma
A visit to Cooper and Anna Sweet
Little kids at the table
Big kids, tackle Rob