Good morning .. time to brush my teeth
This looks like fun.
I think I can get the ball in the hole.
Ahhh, so that's how you're supposed to do it.
Let's see how Ethan does
Can i try the stick too? Do we have a smaller one?
Joshua Tree National Park, CA
The photographers are armed and ready
And Max is taking grandma for a walk
What a beautiful place
Elijah had a blast playing with Marc's old camera
And everyone enjoyed the hike
The Joshua Trees are so strange, yet so compelling
Ethan had fun taking pictures too (see later for highlights)
It was a wonderful day
A little snow left in the summer
We had one rock climber among us
He mad it up .. now can he get back down?
Despite the sun, it was a bit chilly in the hills
Say Cheese!
You too Max
Everyone gets their picture taken
Ethan needs a little help from Marc
Mommy had fun taking pictures of the trees
Hold on Max
Get that picture, Ethan!
You too Elijah!
Family Photos
Two cool cousins
Good pics, Ethan!
Marc and Elijah will do anything for a good shot!
The valley
Ethan got his hands on our little camera and had a blast. Here are the highlights:
Play for me Jan!
Now let's play together!
Venice Beach
This sand stuff is fun
Give me a ride, Elijah!
Now my turn!
Let's climb
Hey, how did you get on that side?
I can make it over ...
The big boys
Me too!
Jan and her little boy!
We miss the water in Illinois ...
Back to the playground
Shall I throw him in?
One more chance to play in the sand
They found each other on the beach ...
Just in time for the sunset
Like my hat?
Let's pet the puppy ...
Our last night in LA. Dinner at and Indian Restaurant
Back home from sunny California and ready to go back to school and back into the cold.
Silly adult pictures from dinner with Sariel and Julia
Officer Ethan on patrol!
Show night for Ethan at the little gym. First a warm up with the parachute.
Parachute movie:
Then on to the bars:
On to the next station
Time for the beam
And the final set with Miss Allison
And the winners are ...
Movie of medal presentations:
My daddy has silly hair
See, I can feed myself!
Peek-a-boo, Mommy ...
Well, really, apple sauce is a finger food.
Mommy and her boys
Let's build a box!
Aditi's birthday party at the Champaign YMCA
Cake time.
Reading with Sariel
And playing with Julia
That was so good, I fell asleep....
Snow Day!
Morning playtime