It all started with a phone call from Susie and Ethan's first present.
An amazingly cool airport. And everyone help put it together.
The best part was that it was orange and blue!
While daddy was working on the airport, mommy was working on the birthday. And what a cake it was!
Anda was the first guest to arrive, but the rest showed up soon after.
Everyone got to color some firetrucks
And play feed the fire puppy a bone.
Then it was time for the cake.
Make a wish, Ethan
Yummy yummy .. with lots of red frosting everywhere.
Ethan couldn't wait to open his presents.
Everyone was still a little tired from the party
But Ethan got one small present from mommy and daddy before school
And mommy brought cake for all of Ethan's friends.
Back at home, more presents! Legos from Marc, Jan, Melissa and Elijah.
And a cool new tool set and tool box from Grandma.
And of course a few more small presents from mommy and daddy at dinner. A new music CD for the car.
A fireman costume for Mr. Potato Head
And a baseball mitt!
Max showed us that macaroni and cheese is a finger food ...
And he also showed Ethan how to eat corn on the cob.
A cool piggy face ice cream came for dessert for everyone.
Back at home, Ethan got the baseball bat to go with his mitt.
And the piece de resistance, a new fire station! Happy birthday Ethan!
The fire station was a big hit. Both boys wanted to play with it all day instead of going to school!