At the park with the Sweets
Everyone say cheese!
Dit is Eddie ...
See Max, this is a firetruck.
PJ Day in the Tiger room
Oma is here!
A few presents from Holland
And Ethan show Oma his new toolkit
Bob the builder Dominoes!
And a ball that says MAX!
Hey, there's lots of cool colors in here
Tipping tractors with Oma
Good morning max
I wanna be in a rock and roll band
Max can be the lead singer, and I'll sing backup
Saturday morning at the market in the square. Kettle Korn and balloons. What more could we want?
Strolling through town
Time to clean out the flower bed and water the "plants"
Cool new t-shirts from the Utrecht train museum!
And a monkey clock!
Back to the garden to help oma
Playtime with Elspeth and Addie
Let me get my chair
Cups for stacking, cups for pouring, cups, cups, cups
Do we still fit in here?
Land shark
Let's share
Good friends
Everyone in the sandbox!
tickle, tickle
The chefs arrive
Dinner time!
Fun in the tub!
One wet puppy
Oma came to watch Ethan at the little gym
That made me really hungry!
Shake your booty!
Max's morning at the little gym. Shake your bells!
Ethan came along to watch and play. Time for the warmup
These are great!
I love the beam
Oma helped with forward rolls
I can't reach these! Show me how to do it Ethan.
Go play!
And bubbles!
Time to say good bye
A quick stop at the park before dinner
Hang on there oma!
Can I try?
A rockin' turtle
And back tot he slides
Up and down
I can almost reach
That made me thirsty
Check out our town!
A temporary resident in our deck
Read to us oma!
Time to meet the snakes and lizards!
Ice Cream Cake!
Thanks for a fun time!
Making pancakes with mommy
A fun Jip and Janeke memory game
The garden still needs more work
Max wants to help too
Off to Emma D.'s birthday party at the Y!
Everyone over to the beam...
Even mommy hopped up!
Off to the obstacle course
Say "Happy Birthday!
Back in he pit
Emma wanted to blow out the candles alone
Tipping tractors on the race track
Good bye!
Back to my legos
Checking on the flowers and tomatoes
Our "Max"adendron from oma
Our "wooden" shoes
Time to take a break to help grandma back banana bread
Then back to our toys
Look, I fit!
A bike ride with Cooper
Then Eli and Nate came over to splash in our pool
A max-in-a-box
Lots of friends over for dinner
Batman and Spiderman to the rescue!
Beating grandma at scrabble
First a bath for Elmo
Then a book from grandma
Bon Voyage, Grandma. Come back soon!
Look at all of those animals ...
G is for Goo Goo Goggles
Open house at the fire safety institute
a "hot" demo
We got to climb all over the fire trucks
Good morning
Building a new lego table with daddy and grandpa
Suzanne played with max
Grampa took "a few" shots of the boys
I've got it all in the bag!
Finishing up the table
Thanks grandpa
Ethan showed off his excellent biking skills (movie):
snack time at paradiso
Goodnight readings