May 03, 2009

At the park with the Sweets

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Everyone say cheese!


May 04, 2009

Dit is Eddie ...

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May 05, 2009

See Max, this is a firetruck.

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May 07, 2009

PJ Day in the Tiger room

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Oma is here!

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A few presents from Holland

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And Ethan show Oma his new toolkit

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Bob the builder Dominoes!

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And a ball that says MAX!

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May 08, 2009


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May 09, 2009

Hey, there's lots of cool colors in here

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Tipping tractors with Oma

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Good morning max

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I wanna be in a rock and roll band

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Max can be the lead singer, and I'll sing backup

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Saturday morning at the market in the square. Kettle Korn and balloons. What more could we want?

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Strolling through town


Time to clean out the flower bed and water the "plants"

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May 10, 2009

Cool new t-shirts from the Utrecht train museum!

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And a monkey clock!

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Back to the garden to help oma

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Playtime with Elspeth and Addie

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Let me get my chair

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Cups for stacking, cups for pouring, cups, cups, cups

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Do we still fit in here?

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Land shark


Let's share


Good friends

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Everyone in the sandbox!

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tickle, tickle

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The chefs arrive

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Dinner time!

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Fun in the tub!

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One wet puppy

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May 11, 2009

Building blocks are fun

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Oma came to watch Ethan at the little gym

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That made me really hungry!

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May 12, 2009

Shake your booty!

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Max's morning at the little gym. Shake your bells!

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Ethan came along to watch and play. Time for the warmup

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These are great!

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I love the beam

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Oma helped with forward rolls

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I can't reach these! Show me how to do it Ethan.

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Go play!

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And bubbles!

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Time to say good bye

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A quick stop at the park before dinner

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Hang on there oma!


Can I try?




A rockin' turtle

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And back tot he slides

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Up and down

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I can almost reach

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That made me thirsty

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May 13, 2009

Check out our town!

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A temporary resident in our deck


May 14, 2009

A little play time in the morning before school

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Read to us oma!

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May 15, 2009

Langston's 4th Birthday Part at the Champaign Children's Museum

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Time to meet the snakes and lizards!

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Ice Cream Cake!

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Thanks for a fun time!


May 16, 2009

Making pancakes with mommy

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A fun Jip and Janeke memory game

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The garden still needs more work

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Max wants to help too

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Off to Emma D.'s birthday party at the Y!

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Everyone over to the beam...

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Even mommy hopped up!

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Off to the obstacle course

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Say "Happy Birthday!


Back in he pit

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Emma wanted to blow out the candles alone


Tipping tractors on the race track

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May 17, 2009

One last present from oma before she goes home

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Good bye!

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Back to my legos

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Checking on the flowers and tomatoes

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Our "Max"adendron from oma

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May 20, 2009

Our "wooden" shoes

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May 22, 2009

Working in the city

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Time to take a break to help grandma back banana bread

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Then back to our toys

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May 23, 2009

Cleaning the pool

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Look, I fit!

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May 24, 2009

A bike ride with Cooper

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Then Eli and Nate came over to splash in our pool

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May 25, 2009

A max-in-a-box

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Lots of friends over for dinner

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Batman and Spiderman to the rescue!

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May 26, 2009

Beating grandma at scrabble

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First a bath for Elmo

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Then a book from grandma

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May 27, 2009

Bon Voyage, Grandma. Come back soon!

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Look at all of those animals ...

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May 28, 2009

G is for Goo Goo Goggles

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May 29, 2009

Open house at the fire safety institute

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a "hot" demo

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We got to climb all over the fire trucks

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May 30, 2009

Good morning

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Building a new lego table with daddy and grandpa

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May 31, 2009

Suzanne played with max


Grampa took "a few" shots of the boys

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I've got it all in the bag!

AAK509_0018.JPG AAK509_0019.JPG AAK509_0020.JPG AAK509_0022.JPG AAK509_0026.JPG AAK509_0027.JPG

silly faces AAK509_0041.JPG AAK509_0042.JPG AAK509_0044.JPG AAK509_0046.JPG AAK509_0047.JPG AAK509_0049.JPG AAK509_0050.JPG AAK509_0051.JPG AAK509_0059.JPG AAK509_0070.JPG AAK509_0076.JPG AAK509_0077.JPG AAK509_0089.JPG

Finishing up the table

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Thanks grandpa

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Ethan showed off his excellent biking skills (movie):


snack time at paradiso

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Goodnight readings

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