July 01, 2009

Our last day in Greece, we drove to Athens and went up to the Acropolis, or as Ethan called it, the broken down buildings.

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The Odeon of Herodes Atticus

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Temple of Athena Nike

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The Parthenon

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Temple of Olympian Zeus

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It's hot out here ...

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A view from the top


This is cool

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Family picture

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Hiding from the sun

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Ethan's View of the Acropolis

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A self portrait

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Who needs a beer?

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Say cheese mommy and daddy!

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July 03, 2009

Back home! We got a visit from Eyal and Shavit

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It was a beautiful day to wash the cars!

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time for a rinse

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Better water the plants too

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Play date at the Forsyths

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They have great helmets

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July 04, 2009

Big boy breakfast

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Happy 4th of July!


Everyone needs a hat

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Playing with friends after dinner: Katherine, Ethan and Alex

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July 05, 2009

Brothers in arms ...

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July 07, 2009

Learning to glide and turn (Movies)

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July 07, 2009

Post-disaster: Max is in a cast for 4 weeks


July 08 2009



July 09, 2009

Playdate with the Henn Girls

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Check it out. I can play it from this side too!

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Just call me scooter

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Let's get out all of the toys

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We love magnets!

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Food, glorious food!

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July 12, 2009

I love books!


The naked chef?


Happy birthday Addie!

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And a gift for mommy and daddy too

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Let's eat lunch so we can get to the cupcakes!

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Make a wish!

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The frosting is the best part

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July 14, 2009

Let's sign Max's cast

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First a swimming for Ethan and Elspeth (Movie)


Then a picnic in the park with the whole family

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Ethan and Elspeth sliding down the fireman's pole and Addie on the monkey bars (movies)

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July 16, 2009

Even a cast won't stop this worker

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July 17, 2009

Fun and games at Jupiters

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Jake and Jackson were there too and joined us for bowling

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And a friendly game of air hockey

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Across the street at istanbul for a happy birthday dinner for Jeff and Sariel

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Peek-a-boo Sariel!

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Sariel's shots of the kids

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July 19, 2009

Mommy likes my cast so much, she wants to see if she can get one of her own!

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We love Karrie

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July 21, 2009

Getting in lots of playdates with Elspeth and Adwen

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Group picture


Best friends

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July 22, 2009

Cashier for a day

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July 23, 2009

Ethan showed off his new swimming skills at swim class



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July 26, 2009

Our good-bye breakfast with Tracy, Jeremy, Elspeth and Adwen. We'll miss you all! But here are some pictures so you can remember your friends from Illinois

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Cross-species friendships?

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Hey, this bumbo thing is cool!

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We like daddy's chair

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July 27, 2009

Welcome to the world, Jake!

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The proud parents

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He's so cute, I couldn't stop taking pictures

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July 28, 2009

Jake sleeps

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Meanwhile back home in Urbana, Ethan and Elspeth say their goodbyes

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July 29, 2009

The Help

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July 30, 2009

Jake's awake!

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Check out those wheels

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Luigi and Kirsten stopped by the house in Urbana and read to Max and Ethan while mommy was in NY

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July 31, 2009


Everyone gets to feed him

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And mommy gets a sleeping baby

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