October 2009
October 01, 2009
Oma and Opa arrive from Holland. Look at these cool airplanes we can

Time to show Oma and Opa how to play Beatles Rock Band
October 03, 2009
Out come the puzzles
A new bag for Max (Tas van Max = Bag of Max)
Two goofy Beatles fans
A new puzzle that almost stumped us all ...
October 04, 2009
Pancakes anyone? We made them ourselves!

My daddy!
Play with us Opa
Off to the pumpkin patch at Curtis Orchards. Better get a cart to pull
the pumpkins and the little boys.
Team work
Hey the cart just got really heavy!
Opa can help
Let's find the best ones!

Is this enough Oma?
Lots of little pumpkins and two big pumpkin heads!
Let's clean them all off

Let's play
Time for a hay ride!

And down the bouncy slide!
Back home for a ride on my bike, including a little off-roading
Bunnies, bunnies, everywhere
October 05, 2009
Time for cookies and tea
October 06, 2009
Swim class
October 07, 2009
Everyone loves legos, but Ethan is a lego monster
Off to Meadowbrook park for a bike ride
And then back home to rake some leaves.
Max showed us how to eat sprinkles
October 08, 2009
Projects. Coloring for Max and building for Ethan
Max got hold of the GPS
I'm ready for bed!
Surprise, Ethan! A new sleeping bag!
One more night of reading from Oma and Opa
October 17, 2009
Painting pumpkins with Allie
Wanna join our rock band?
Ethan practiced his songs for the Halloween show (movies)
This is the way we brush our teeth ...
October 18, 2009
New slippers
October 25, 2009
Back for more pumpkins
First donuts...
Then play!
Those goats look scary
And of course we have to try the bouncy rides
How tall are we?
Cleaning up the leaves ...
This is the best way to stomp them down!
Say cheese!
October 27, 2009
Halloween party in the Penguin room. M&M and Skittles!
a spooky pinata
Mr. Pirate and Mr. Skeleton Pumpkin from Oma!
The end product

And here are two to color
October 28, 2009
Family night at the Little Gym

Movies of Ethan, Emma M and Max

October 29, 2009
Finally time to carve the big pumpkins
October 30, 2009
Halloween party in the All Star III room
Time for trick-or-treating at NCSA
First stop, Luigi: "Trick-or-Treat"!
Katherine, Max and Ethan checked out the booty
October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Checking out what to cook for dinner
All the pumpkins are ready and on display
Eli and Nate joined in the fun
And Katherine too!
Rahul stopped by to check out the cool costumes on the older kids
And off they went!
The pumpkins looked even better in the dark