November 01, 2009
Emily's Birthday Party at the Orpheum Children's Museum with lost of
All Star friends

Check or checkmate?
Digging for dinosaur bones with Ori, Samantha, Jake, Cooper and Emily

Max at the water table

Pizza and cake!
Then they took out the little critters
And let the big ones run free

Max found the costume box. Out came the skeleton

Then the cowboy
November 05, 2009
All Stars Fieldtrip: Reindeer Ranch in Rantoul
November 06, 2009
Ethan got hold of the little camera again

And then brought the camera in for show and tell. Here are a few choice shots of the All Star III room
And of course, the photo shoot continued through our Friday night beer.Max had the old camera too!
November 08, 2009
Off to Meadowbrook Park

Ethan tried out Allie's scooter. And off they went to Carle Park.

Where we found Katherine in a tree!
November 14, 2009
The Dark Knight
November 16, 2009
Making chocolate chip cookies with daddy

Bubble bath!

Bubbles! (movie)

November 21, 2009
Off to Arizona to visit Elspeth, Adwen, Tracy and Jeremy. Yeah, we are finally here. Elspeth showed off all of her stuff

Picnic in the Arizona Desert!

Time for a hike. Sunscreen? Check! Cameras? Check? Scorpians? Ahhhhh ...

Off they go!
Off to see the petroglyphs

Hiding from the sun, and a little table dancing
Shake your bootie (movie)

Cool Cactus

Ethan's pictures

Back home for some time at the playground

New slippers from Holland

I wonder if I fit?
These friends love to read together
November 22, 2009
Sunday mornings are best shared with friends

The big kids headed out to the zoo with their daddies

We go this way ... (movie)

The little kids finally arrive!
November 23, 2009
Off for a nice morning hike and a picnic

Ethan's picture of the day

Back home, the backyard, and the kids, got a little too much water
Christmas is coming ... time to build a gingerbread house! First squeeze the icing

Then fill the base with "glue"
Better study the plans before we put the walls up.
Time to decorate
The finished product
Read to us ...
Time for the ginger bread house ... everyone dig in!
Anyone want a pice of the roof?

Demolition (movie)

Art class any one?
November 24, 2009
Off we go on the Henn Express!
Shall we convene in the dining car?
Backyard playtime

November 25, 2009
A trip down memory lane
Followed by a trip to the desert

We found an Elspeth Cactus!

Tracking down the tracks
Back at the house, Max found a great place to sit and chill

Bath time for hte little kids ...

And the big kids
November 26, 2009
Off to New Mexico to see Grandma Joyce. Our great travelers!

Hi Grandma!
November 28, 2009
Downtown Santa Fe
November 29, 2009
Grandma's Place