February 02, 2010
It's a zoo out there ...
February 06, 2010
Happy Birthday Collins. A great party at the indoor playground. Lots of friends were there: Collins and Ellie, Cooper and Anna, Julian, Sammie, Ethan and Mara, Kate and more
The Two Ethans
Here comes the fire truck!
Max and friends
Look at me!
Everyone had fun
Tickets anyone?

Afterwards, Max was so tired, he fell asleep climbing into his bed!
Two future geeks!
February 07, 2010
Superbowl Party!
Any excuse for Mommy to make a cake!
Are they watching the game or the comercials?
February 10, 2010
Forget about left or right handed, I'm both handed!
February 11, 2010
Presents from Susie. The bowls look like splashing milk and the flatware click together like Legos. Thanks Susie!
The only way to get all of the sprinkles!
Alien Ethan
And Elmo Max
We love books!
February 13, 2010
Two friends
February 14, 2010
Silly pictures (dinner at Sunsinger)
February 20, 2010
Happy Birthday Jake Gilles! Bowling party with lots of All STar III friends
Bowling with style
Max got to use the rails .. though his game got cut short after he dropped a ball on his thumb :(

Where's the pink ball?
Max, blow on my fingers ... Magic!
February 21, 2010
In honor of the winter Olympics: The Ellie-lympics. The opening cermony. Anna and Cooper, Ethan and Max, Collins and Eliie and a friend displying their flags
First event: Find Mickey Mouse ... Hey that's Donald!
Second Event: Clothespin Dropping

Third Event: Stock Car Race
Heat 1: Ethan and Cooper
Heat 2: Collins Max and Anna
The finals!
A change of venue for the Basketball competition
Ine the Office Area, the kids work hard to build the tallest structure
For the break, the musical charms of Ethan and Cooper
Live Video!

Max and Anna are off on a trip
And the winners are!
Our sponsers: Ellie and Collins!
February 27, 2010
Watching videos on daddy's computer