February 02, 2010

It's a zoo out there ...

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February 06, 2010

Happy Birthday Collins. A great party at the indoor playground. Lots of friends were there: Collins and Ellie, Cooper and Anna, Julian, Sammie, Ethan and Mara, Kate and more

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The Two Ethans

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Here comes the fire truck!

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Max and friends

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Look at me!

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Everyone had fun

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Tickets anyone?

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Afterwards, Max was so tired, he fell asleep climbing into his bed!

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Two future geeks!

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February 07, 2010

Superbowl Party!

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Any excuse for Mommy to make a cake!

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Are they watching the game or the comercials?

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February 10, 2010

Forget about left or right handed, I'm both handed!

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February 11, 2010

Presents from Susie. The bowls look like splashing milk and the flatware click together like Legos. Thanks Susie!

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The only way to get all of the sprinkles!

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Alien Ethan

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And Elmo Max

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We love books!

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February 13, 2010

Two friends


February 14, 2010

Silly pictures (dinner at Sunsinger)

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February 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Jake Gilles! Bowling party with lots of All STar III friends

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Bowling with style

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Max got to use the rails .. though his game got cut short after he dropped a ball on his thumb :(

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Where's the pink ball?


Max, blow on my fingers ... Magic!

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February 21, 2010

In honor of the winter Olympics: The Ellie-lympics. The opening cermony. Anna and Cooper, Ethan and Max, Collins and Eliie and a friend displying their flags

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First event: Find Mickey Mouse ... Hey that's Donald!


Second Event: Clothespin Dropping

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Third Event: Stock Car Race


Heat 1: Ethan and Cooper

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Heat 2: Collins Max and Anna

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The finals!

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A change of venue for the Basketball competition

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Ine the Office Area, the kids work hard to build the tallest structure

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For the break, the musical charms of Ethan and Cooper

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Live Video!

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Max and Anna are off on a trip

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And the winners are!

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Our sponsers: Ellie and Collins!

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February 27, 2010

Watching videos on daddy's computer

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