April 01, 2010
I love daddy's phone
New bikes for everyone. Although, Max's leg's need to get a little longer to ride this one.
Slow but steady (movie)
Down the fireman's pole (movie)

Happy anniversary Mommy and Daddy! Can we take some pictures?
Everybody wave at the camera (movies)

Yummm, Chocolate fondue!
April 03, 2010
The big day: Ethan's 5th birthday party at Jupiter's at the Crossing. Mommy and daddy created an amazing Storm Trooper cake.
The fun and games started in the basement. All of Ethan's friends got to play for a while.
Miss Mary came by to wish Ethan a very happy birthday!
Upstairs, the kids got to run around on the dance floor and play with lots of Star Wars stuff
Everyone loved the masks
My favorite characters
Time for the pizza!
Our new favorite party game: Pin the tie fighter on the death star!
Everyone waited patiently cupcakes (Storm troopers and Darth Vader)
And of course the cake!
Happy birthday Ethan!
A little sugar and more running around!
Ethan got to open a few presents
Back home, Ethan tried out his new light saber!
April 04, 2010
Game night: Mouse trap!
April 08, 2010
Miss Aisha organized a special Capoiera demonstration at Next Generation
Play time at Carle park
April 09, 2010
Stopping by the All Stars
Up or down ...
April 10, 2010
Spring cleaning
Max tackled the pile of leaves
And Ethan built a pile of sticks
Ethan explaining his mous trap (movie)

We need some more bags!
Will they let us recycle these?
A break for the workers
Then back to the leaves
A few poses for the camera
Siggy joined in the fun!
April 11, 2010
Morning legos
Then back to work in the garden
Max went "fishing" off of the deck
Our hard workers got new gloves
Now that the driveway is clean, we can play with chalk!
Check out the bubble rocket!

Testing it out (movie)

April 17, 2010
What a great hat!
Help or play?
April 18, 2010
Fireman Max!
April 30, 2010
Full House: The whole family arrived from Holland: Oma, Opa, Barbara, Eddie and Kiran.
They brought the coolest orange sunglasses to celebrate Queen's Day today!
The cousins start off the two weeks of play time really well!