May 01, 2010
Breakfast. Is there room for me at the table?

The Illinois Marathon went right past our house. Everyone went out to
Ethan, Max and Kiran got into the marathon spirit!

And the race is on!
On your mark, get set, go!
Here comes Max!
Event 2: Tree climbing
Our boys

Event 3: Hamming it up for the camera!
Event 4: Waiting for Kirsten

Off to the kids marathon

The kids all lined up inside Memorial Stadium

Here comes Ethan

And there's Max

And our friends: Eli, Dylan, Cooper, Anna, Ethan Meid, Katherine and
the King Family
The winners!

Exploring the field
Biking home past the new bell tower

Back home for some down time
Off to the car races this time
Let's push Max!

And switch again
No whammies!

The pit crew needed a break!
Back to the garage

Boys and their trains
Opa brought a new fire boat ... only found in Europe!
Let's try out the boat in the bathtub!
May 02, 2010
Oma and Kiran did some gardening

While the big boys put together the new patio table

And Barbara enjoyed the nice weather
Ethan finally found a car that could pull his new boat trailer

Just having fun together

Happy birthday Opa!
Yummm. Homemade pizza!

Time for the cake!

And a lovely dessert from Kirsten
Hip, Hip, Hoorah!
Silly Max

May 03, 2010
Go Illini!

Play time at Carle Park
Goofballs at dinner
The universal language of boys ... Lego!
Bubble bath!
Read to us Oma!
May 04, 2010
Oma and Opa took Max to the Little Gym
Lunch in the sun
Off to Meadowbrook Park
A bike ride around the park
Exploring the art
May 05, 2010
Kiran and Oma worked in the garden and mowed the lawn. Thanks!
Kiran joined Ethan's gym class
May 06, 2010
After a long drive to Chicago the night before, we all met for
breakfast and got ready to explore the city. The breakfast room had the
best view: The Fire Station!
City kids!
Having fun with the statues near Navy Pier

On to Navy Pier

Max, right before he fell over backwards ...
First stop for Max and Ethan: Carousel

While Kiran hit the putt-putt links
Up, up, and away on the ferris wheel! Hold on tight to those boys!

What a view of Chicago
We were up where?

Ethan joined the game

Lunch with Forrest Gump
Next stop, the Chicago Children's Museum
Calling all Chicago Firefighters!
All firemen, down the pole!
On to the gangplanks of the pirate ship!
The architectural boat tour on the Chicago river
May 07, 2010
First stop,Millennium Park and the "Egg"
Then off to the aquarium
A hands on experience
Time for the show!
Jumping dolphins! (movies)
There was just enough time for a quick stop at the planetarium.
Spaceman Ethan explored the exhibits
Here comes spaceman Kiran!
Pipes and connectors ...
The whole family went off to space
Back home on the bus
Chicago has very friendly firefighters. We got see the engines.
We even got a demo
Their backup is a hand pump
Then we got to see the rescue truck!
May 08, 2010
Chicago Day 3
Off to the Lego Experience
A lego sized model of Chicago!
Into the jungle ...
A snow man
and Darth Vader
The Castle Ride
Making lego bricks
A 3-D lego movie
Max found Wendy from Bob the Builder

A lego building mini-workshop

Last stop, the play area
Mommy and Ethan took a ride
And everyone loved racing the cars they built
The boys got to meet the President
Oma made a new friend
May 09, 2010
Last day, Hancock Tower
The boys enjoyed the audio tour

The view was magnificent
Who wants to be a window washer when they grow up?
A few family photos
Happy Mother's Day!

Our last stroll down the Miracle Mile
May 10, 2010
Our cousin from the cold north
Beatles Rock Band Night
Bedtime stories from Opa
May 11, 2010
Pancake breakfast for Oma, Opa and the big kids
Building Ethan's new X-Wing fighter!
Off to Carle Park for some climbing time
Luke is on his way into work in the morning. Coffee in hand and X-wing
on the trailer!
May 12, 2010
Big boy underpants!
Eventually, all of the toys come out ...
One more visit to the little gym
May 13, 2010
Off to the quad for a bike ride
Time for a break
Then off to meet daddy and Luigi for lunch
back to the quad for a nap ...
And then back home we go
A traffic jam in the back yard
Max is back!

The local talent. Zippidee-doo-dah, peanutbutter-jelly-time and yellow
submarine (movies)

May 14, 2010
MarioKart in the morning! Then off to Holland they go. Good-bye!
May 16, 2010
Max gets to make some Legos
May 19, 2010
A bedtime story from Julia
May 20, 2010
We love Holland!
May 21, 2010
Ethan's end of the year party in the All Star room
The class did a wonderful performance
Soy Una Pizza

Shining moon


I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas (movies)

Somewhere over the rainbow (movie)

And everyone got a "Diploma"!

Everyone smile for a class picture!
A quick peek into Ethan's capoiera class
May 22, 2010
Building buddies

We miss Holland ...
Some pics by Ethan
May 23, 2010
Our proud graduate!
A birthday party at the Orpheum!
May 29, 2010
Off to Seattle to meet mommy! And we stayed with Wayne, Karen, Sarah
and Laura.

Our first outing was to the Seattle Zoo
Everyone loves the carousel

Time to explore
The bird house was so much fun. The birds landed on everyone!
The birds especially liked daddy!
Elephants and tigers and baboons!

Having fun
Everyone tackle daddy!
May 30, 2010
Morning photo op ...
Off to the Museum of Flight!

Our Blue Angles
The old plans still fly

Making landers and parachutes
Will it fly?
In the control tower
Lots of plans to climb on
In front of the "vomit comet"
And the huge jets of a 747 ... fly away
And the Nixon-era Air Force One
Dinner with some old friends: Yaling and Sueng!
May 31, 2010
A visit to the Pacific Science Center
With a IMAX 3D Show!
The music is in me ... or am I in the music?
Exploring the butterfly house
Building a grasshopper
Sunset on the cliffs
A friendly game of soccer
A rare family photo
Enjoying the last of the sun
Where's the popcorn?