August 01, 2010
Sunday morning pancakes!

Soccer and lunch in the quad

What a mess!
August 07, 2010
Dylan's birthday party at Old Orchard Lanes
The big boys had fun too

The rails were a big help for all


But the best part is the frosting!
We love our Star Wars ...

But we love our friends more
Last stop at the arcade before we head out

Then it was on to Kate's birthday at the Little Gym

and more cake!
August 08, 2010
A nice day for a dip in the pool with our friend Katherine
Teamwork (movie):
August 09, 2010
A mug shot
August 13, 2010
Practicing for kindergarten
After five years, Ethan's last day. Good-bye Next Generation

Good by Ms Kendi, Aisha, Tiffany, Mary and Maria

But most of all, good bye to my friends

Back home with grandma
And a perfect summer day for an evening swim

Hmmm, sharks an surfers .. better watch out
August 14, 2010
Off to the farmers market. Max liked the fire truck

And the trains at ArtMart are always a big hit
Checking out the refrigerators for grandma

Pool ad BBQ with Samantha
Our young daredevils. Everyone jumped in the pool! (movies)

What's a BBQ without a friendly game of bags
August 15, 2010
Art project with grandma: Decorating model cars
Lots of paint left to make birthday cards for daddy
A dutch jungle excursion with grandma?

Legos, legos all around!

Off to Carle park. Max tried the bike, but wasn't quite ready yet

but he tried (movie)

The new nest. Is it for birds, dinosaurs or kids?
And up the spider web
August 16, 2010
Lunch in the park with Cooper
August 17, 2010

we made snow!
Next experiment: Static electricity with colored water and foam pellets
August 18, 2010
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Off to my first day of Kindergarten!
Max came along for moral support
Allie was ready too!
Got our name tags

Hugs and kisses and they're off!
Daddy's birthday dinner at Golden Harbor

Chinese finger locks!
Hannah joined in the fun
Ariana got passed around

Time for the cupcakes
How did that frosting get there?

A goodnight book with grandma
August 19, 2010
Reading is fun

Hey, that's not how you read!
Grandma and her boys
Ethan's kindergarten eye check. Interesting eyewear
But the shades are the coolest
August 20, 2010
Max's last day in the Penguin room. Good-bye Miss Raelynn and Tera
And good-bye to my friends .. I'll miss you all
August 21, 2010
Champaign Arts Festival
Max found Julien and had a impromptu puppet show
August 23, 2010
Hop in mom and dad, I'm driving tonight!
I got the keys!
August 25, 2010
Dr. Max is here to take care of you
August 26, 2010
A night out with friends in Carle Park
The adults ...

water anyone?
August 27, 2010
Supersoaker day at Leal After School Program

Off to the annual BBQ at the Computer Science Department
August 28, 2010
The Sweet Corn Festival in Downtown Urbana
New bus drivers

and the local firemen

And more bouncy houses
Crazy dancers (movie)

back on the bus
August 29, 2010
A good day for a game of T-ball
August 30, 2010
Some quick lego building
Then bath time ... with blue water!
a little time left for a book from mommy
August 31, 2010
Day off for Max and a visit to mommy's office
peek-a-boo, here I am!