September 02, 2010
The force is strong in these ones ...
The aftermath
But they came back to fight another day!
September 04, 2010
Batman returns .. but he can't see very well
Fly away!
Tonight's performance is sponsored by Paul Frank
September 05, 2010
We'll help mommy clean the spatulas any time!
September 09, 2010
Let's go fly a kite
September 10, 2010
Opening night at Krannert Center. A cartoon of the boys.
Our sea creatures
September 11, 2010
Bike Training: First Max on the balance bike
Slow progress (movie):
Then Ethan with no training wheels!
A little help from daddy (movies):
September 12, 2010
Sidewalk Chalk! Let's draw daddy!
I'm standing on daddy!
Max's turn
Now Ethan
Three Koopers!
Enjoying the outdoor time
September 13, 2010
Swim class with all of our friends
September 16, 2010
The construction team arrived
All done!
September 18, 2010
Bobba Fett takes on Darth Vader!
September 24, 2010
One tired Max
September 25, 2010
Happy Birthday Max! A great start to the day with Darth Vader and Storm Trooper pancakes!
Brotherly love
The Kooper boy's rendition of "Happy Birthday" (movie):
Time for a few presents!
It's Darth Baby from Ethan!
And a new game from mommy
Cupcakes for lunch? Can we celebrate my birthday every day
More cake at Will S's Birthday Party
A few more birthday presents from Grandma and daddy
But I love Darth Baby!
September 26, 2010
Max's 3rd Birthday Party: A whale and underwater themed cake!
Pin the spout on the whale!
Let them eat cake!
The aftermath ...
Max got to open a few presents before nap time
The Whale!
Birthday dinner at Famous Dave's
Flaming ice cream!
September 27, 2010
On last birthday celebration in the Super Star Room
Mr. Casey has the cake!
September 29, 2010
Open house at Leal: In Ethan's kindergarten room
New friends (Jackson and Sinan)
The computer lab, the library and the art room
Classroom statistics (boys vs. girls, letter in your name, and how do you get to school)
"We are all alike"
Max is ready ... for kindergarten 2013!
How to eat noodles