November 01, 2010
Riding the train to swim class! With Jake, Jackson, Cooper, Anna, Dylan and Collins!
November 05, 2010
Friday night at Jupiter's with lots of friends!

This stage was meant for us!
Sariel entertained with his new smart phone!

Is break dancing coming back? (movies)
November 06, 2010
A baby shower for Karrie and Paris. The centerpiece, a Keith Haring styled cake!
The mommy to be, Robin and Fernanda
And the whole family too!
Tasso tried to take Rob's new espresso machine home with him
The parents-to-be
November 13, 2010
A visit from Teoman and Sinan
November 19, 2010
Skating away. The boys first time on the ice.

The rink provided great skating aids for the kids
After the first lap, Ethan was off on his own!

Mommy and daddy got to take the final lap together ... watch out!
November 20, 2010
My Man! OK, now shave the rest off ...
November 24, 2010
Thanksgiving break in Santa Fe, NM with Grandma.
November 25, 2010
It might have been cold outside, but the pool was warm! A great way to start off our Thanksgiving Day.
Max jumping in (movie)

Ethan floating on his back and swimming the length of the pool (movies)

Max a-go-go (movie)
A family race(movie)

Everyone jump off of daddy!


Dinner with grandma was good, but whipped cream for dessert was the best!

A few family shots
November 26, 2010
Visiting the Santa Fe Children's Museum
The bubbles were a big hit

Ethan got the big bubble over his head!

There was climbing

and riding
and a great new way to make art. The pen stayed in the same place and the boys got to make the table swing!
Max wanted to be a duck
and Ethan a robot (mommy needs to work on here makeup skills)

They even had flubber to play with!

How may Ethans can you see?
One more stop at the big bubble

And out the perfect door for the boys!
November 27, 2010
Friday night, Dick and Andrea arrive with Joel and Tasia. Saturday, we kidnapped Tasia and took her with us to the Puye Cliff Dwellings

Although we didn't go up this ladder, we did come down it later!

All of the natural and man-made holes

Very faint petroglyphs

What a view!

Our hikers

and our guide

Max checked out one of the holes

Then we climbed the rest of the way to the top of the Mesa

The Black Mesa

Up top

There were pottery sherds everywhere to look at

The kiva was deep

But inside the light shined down on us
Who is that shining ghost?
The it was time to head back down. First a cliff face with some things pretending to be steps.

And then, do you remember that ladder? Here is Max going down it with the guide.

A close up of the Black Mesa on our way back to Santa Fe

Family dinner
November 28, 2010
We had a nice breakfast and then sent them on their way back to Colorado

Max must have eaten silly food

A family photo
Back at the hotel, Ethan and Max climbed into their beds ...

Then it was time for us to head off to Albuquerque with some help from the singing porters

One last stop off at grandma's house

Say Cheese!

What a cool checkers board! Max and Ethan are ready for Bryant Park!