December 01, 2010
Happy Hanukkah!
Hanukkah brings out all the different sides of Ethan
And Max
But the angels come back when they know presents are coming
I have a little dreidel ...

Max practicing his Hanukkah song (movie):

December 02, 2010
A breakfast concert from Max (movies)

On the second night of Hanukkah, Max finally got to light the candles
December 03, 2010
Illini Hockey
December 04, 2010
A prediction of 1-4 inches turned into 9 inches of snow.

Bring it on!
A Snow Ethan

And Max got pelted with snow balls!
And then tried to bury himself

Finally, Ethan got to work
This snow man is missing something
Something is still missing ... ahh, that's better
He's about my size ...
Where'd that snow come from?
The snow was deep at the Forsyth's too
Building a gingerbread house with Kate

The finished product

Kate tries her hand at lighting the Hanukkah candles

And of course a few presents for all of the kids
Ready, set, eat!
December 05, 2010
The snow was still there Sunday morning, so we all headed to the sledding hill near Orchard Downs with Siggi and his dad.
Siggi was the first to go
Then Ethan ...
and finally, Max!

And then they kept on going ...

One, two, three ... push!

Oh what fun ...

Ethan and Max took off together
Back up the hill .. again
Rob tested the sled too
Max enjoyed being pulled
but had the most fun going down the hill with daddy!
Give him a big push!

December 06, 2010
A visit to Lisa and LaDonna's Kindergarten room at Leal.
Freddy's dad talked a little about Hanukkah
December 10, 2010
Practicing for the holiday party (movies)

And one round of Yellow Submarine (movie)

December 11, 2010
Samantha's birthday party at the Savoy Rec center
December 13, 2010
The Super Star Holiday Party
First came the 12 days of Christmas
Movie: (lo-res, hi-res-1 and hi-res-2)

Then the Hanukkah Song (sung to "I've been working on the railroad")
Movie: (lo-res, hi-res)

And the Kwanza song (sung to "B-I-N-G-O")
Movie (lo-res, hi-res):

Finally, Feliz Navidad

Movie (lo-res, hi-res):

Finally, snacks for everyone!

Max likes the girls

Max's teachers, Stacy, Kristen and Alyssa
That's not a box ... it's a robot!
December 16, 2010
Holiday party at Leal
December 20, 2010
Off to California we went. We stopped off in Santa Monica and got Grandma Joyce and Elijah. Our first destination: SeaLife Aquarium at LegoLand

Ethan's in there somewhere

The fishies are mesmerizing

Sea stars (AKA starfish) - for Max, it was all looking and no touching

On to find the sharks

Ethan met a Lego diver

The members of my Atlantis team
More fish and sharks and rays ...

Ethan took a second chance to pets the sea stars

An underworld adventure

Even worse .. sponge bob!
Ethan Lost his first tooth!
December 21, 2010
It was still raining, so we went to the Santa Ana Children's Museum. Ethan headed for the climbing wall.

And helped Joyce make smoke rings

But the tornado was cool

Say "blub"

Next stop, the science of hockey. Elijah tried his hand at defending the goal.

While Ethan tried to score

Just one word: Zamboni

The next goalies?

Everyone wants to be a hockey star
Slipping and sliding

Pipes and tennis blass, what more do you need?

Virtual Beach Volley Ball!
He's got the whole world in his hands ... or is that the sun?

Inside the wind tube

Ahh, time for a nap .. on a bed of nails!

And some cool shadows before we left
December 22, 2010
San Diego Wild Animal Park. On the rainy days, all of the animals come out.

Everyon was in awe of the big cats

Our wild animlas stayed on the tram

But the wild animals in the park were amazing
On a safari

An amazing Merry-go-round. We all wanted to ride it for the rest of the day!
December 23, 2010
We spent Mommy's birthday at Seaworld. Although it started off cloudy and drizzling, the day cleared up really nicely.
First stop, the dolphin pool


Max made a friend

Shamu and the orca show .. we avoided the splash zone!

The sea lion was a great commedian

But everyone loved the penguins!

Max wanted everything he found ...

The baluga and the polar bear were enjoying the cooler weather

Inside an ice cave ...

And finally the dolphin show!

Happy Birthday!

The boys enjoyed a bedtime reading from Elijah
December 24, 2010
The wethaer finally cleared up and we headed for LegoLand. It was packed, but everyon had a blast.
A quick boat ride to get a lay of the land

Of course we all loved the mini NYC

And mini Washington DC!

Waiting in line for the Pharaoh's Revenge

Hamming it up for the camera a lunch time
A scary witch


Too cool

The boys ran the fire truck race

Exploring the park with Max

Off to the races .. Go Ethan!

A race on the smaller track with Max

They earned their Lego Licenses

Jump! (movies)

Ethan, Max and Bob!

Het Chwie ...

Good-bye LegoLand .. hope to come back soon!
December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas from Palm Springs!

The booty!
Some afternoon downtime enjoying the new DS games

Cousin night at the movies ...
December 26, 2010
A nice day to play on the playground

But a better day to bounce (movie):

December 27, 2010
Morning swim with Marc and Elijah

Everybody Jump! (movies)

A real California Roadrunner!

Max and Ethan's first tennis class


Marc and Elijah played on the little court :)
December 28, 2010
We love our morning swims in our own private pool ...

Catching Max (movies)

Warming up in the hot tub

And back to the tennis courts

The big boys went off to play golf

Fore! (movie)

Oops! Don't blame the cameraman! (movie)

Ahh, that's better... (movie)

A best is best when read by someone you love
December 29, 2010
Wash day on our vacation .. almost as good as Disney!
December 30, 2010
The routine is set ... morning swim

1, 2, 3, Jump! (movies)

The local photographer

Say cheese, Marc

And back to the tennis courts

A night out with the Kooper boys!

Happy Birthday, Jan!
December 31, 2010
One last tennis lesson ...

Happy New Year!

Ethan didn't quite make it until midnight

But Max was having fun taking pictures ...